Facebook account login guide for beginners

You will receive your credentials in this format: 100099884477|messi345|NKJSF5SD4SDVS65SDBE|[email protected]|Technology888|[email protected]

* Values are separated by " | ". Includes: Username | Password | 2FA | Email | Email password | Recovery email

[Username] is used to login into Facebook
[2FA] is used to generate the 6 digit code for 2 factior authentication

[Recovery email] is used to unlock [Email] if requires email verification

Best login procedure:

1) Buy a new proxy from our website
2) Download incogniton and create a new profile
3) Connect the proxy to the new incogniton profile and open it
-- From this moment everything is done inside the incogniton browser --
4) Go here https://authenticator.cc/ and download the extension
5) Open the extension and click on the upper right corner to manually add a new 2FA
6) First field write "fb" and on secret code copy and paste your [2FA] code
7) Go on https://mbasic.facebook.com and use your [username] and [password] to login
8) You will be asked for the 6 digit code, open the previous extension and copy/paste the generated code
9) After successfully logging in, you can switch to the normal facebook link https://facebook.com
-- The next steps are optional, but can decrease the chance of the profile getting banned --
10) Save these information about the profile:
- First name
- Last name
- Date of birth
- Country
- HD Picture of the owners face
11) Go https://accountscenter.facebook.com/personal_info/contact_points and remove any connected phone number
12) Go https://accountscenter.facebook.com/accounts and remove any connected instagram account